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Kidney stones


Kidney stones are small, hard deposits of mineral and acid salts that form inside the kidneys. They can range in size from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a pearl or golf ball.

Kidney stones can cause pain when they pass through the urinary tract, and they can block the flow of urine, leading to other problems. There are several different types of kidney stones, including calcium stones, struvite stones, and uric acid stones.

Kidney stones are more common in men than in women, and they are more likely to occur in people who have certain medical conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes. Treatment for kidney stones may include medications, lifestyle changes, and in some cases, surgery. It's important to see a doctor if you are experiencing symptoms that may be related to kidney stones.



Risk factors


How to diagnose it?

How to prevent it?

When do you need to see a doctor?

It's important to see a doctor if you are experiencing any symptoms that may be related to kidney stones, such as severe pain, changes in urination, or the presence of blood in the urine. Early diagnosis and treatment of kidney stones can help to manage symptoms and improve the long-term outlook.

 If you have already been diagnosed with kidney stones and are experiencing a flare-up of symptoms, it's important to talk to your doctor as soon as possible. Flare-ups can be managed with medications and other treatments, and early treatment can help to prevent complications. 

It's also important to see a doctor if you develop any new or unusual symptoms, or if your existing symptoms are getting worse or are not responding to treatment as expected. Your doctor can help to determine the cause of these symptoms and determine the appropriate treatment. Regular medical care is important for managing kidney stones and monitoring for potential complications.


Kidney stones are hard, pebble-like masses that can form in the kidneys when certain substances in the urine become highly concentrated. They can vary in size and can be composed of different substances, such as calcium, oxalate, and uric acid.

Symptoms of kidney stones may include severe abdominal or back pain, blood in the urine, and frequent urges to urinate. Other symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, and fever.

Kidney stones can be caused by a variety of factors, including dehydration, a diet high in certain substances (such as salt, calcium, and oxalate), and certain medical conditions, such as gout and inflammatory bowel disease.

Kidney stones are usually diagnosed based on the patient's symptoms and a physical exam. Laboratory tests, such as a urine sample and blood tests, may also be performed. Imaging studies, such as an ultrasound or CT scan, can be used to confirm the diagnosis and determine the size and location of the stone.

Treatment for kidney stones depends on the size and location of the stone, as well as the severity of the symptoms. Small stones may pass on their own, while larger stones may require medication or a procedure to remove them. Drinking plenty of fluids can help flush the stone out of the urinary tract.

There are several measures that can help prevent kidney stones, such as drinking plenty of fluids, especially water, to help flush the kidneys, and avoiding a diet high in salt, calcium, and oxalate. Staying physically active and maintaining a healthy weight can also help reduce the risk of kidney stones.

Visit a doctor when you are suffering from kidney stones!