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Skin Allergy

Skin allergy is the result of reaction of skin to any usual harmless substance like plants, soap, pollen and wool. Immune system reacts to the trigger attacking them for removing from body. As a result, it leads to allergic skin rash accompanied by itching and redness. Multiple allergic conditions can lead to skin allergies.

What are the symptoms of skin allergy?

After an allergy, the first experience you will have is skin rash. It will start with itching sensation, redness and raised bumps. Soon after you will experience the combination of the following:

Various kinds of skin allergies are there along telltale symptoms.

What are the causes of skin allergy?

Skin allergy takes place after a trigger. At first you will experience rash due to responding of the immune system. Triggers which result in skin allergy are:

While most people get usual triggers others face issue to determine the problem source and need allergy testing.

Which foods can cause skin allergy?

Shellfish, fish, tree nuts, peanuts, eggs and milk are some foods cause skin allergy.

How to identify skin allergy?

Swelling, redness and itching are typical symptoms of skin allergies. But some differences are there to indicate the specific conditions. You may have dry, red and itchy skin. Sometimes it can leak fluids with scratching over the crusts indicating the infection.

How skin allergy looks like?

When you have swollen, itchy, scaly, bumpy and red skin it may indicate that you have allergies. Check the images below to see how skin looks like with different kinds of skin allergies. 

What are the kinds of skin allergy?

A number of skin allergy conditions are there. Some common of them are here for your reference:


Also known as atopic dermatitis, it starts within a few years of early life but it appears only in adult or in adolescent. In adults, adolescents and kids rash is common in flexural areas (below elbow creases and knees). Sometimes, it can happen in face, neck, hands and eyebrows as well. Skin rubbing and scratching will exaggerate the normal skin resulting in abnormal pigmentation known as lichenification.

Contact Dermatitis

It takes place because of the irritant; however allergic reaction can also take place. Due to the contact of skin with allergic trigger substance there is skin inflammation. Although rash appears much identical to eczema, it will only appear only when skin subjects to offending agent. So, it affects feet, hands, neck, eyelids and face.

While poison sumac, poison oak and poison ivy are most common allergic dermatitis, shoes chemicals, rubber, antibiotic creams, cosmetics and nickel in jewellery can lead to this kind of skin allergy too. 


Medically termed as Urticaria, it refers to itchy rash indicating certain underlying health complication. Hives are typically red or pink bumps of different shapes and sizes with pale centres. It has the ability to change shape, size and location without causing any itching. It will never force you to scratch for breaking down the skin.

Allergens which result in hives are:

Hives aren’t contagious! Yet it is a warning indication for severe allergic reaction resulting in anaphylaxis. This medical emergency needs epinephrine injection.


Closely associated to hives, angioedema leads to swell in feet, hands, eyes and lips. It also precludes anaphylaxis. Often patients describe it as tingling sensation or abnormal stinging. If it happens on neck or face, it is a serious allergy accompanied by notable breathing problems. At that time you need urgent care for breathing issue to prevent further worsening of the symptoms.

Which is most common skin allergy?

Eczema or atopic dermatitis is most common skin allergy. It takes place when the skin becomes dry, itchy and irritated. Being so common, it mostly affects kids over adults.

How long skin allergy lasts?

Firstly, you will experience rash within a few minutes to an hour of being exposed to allergen. However, it may last for 2-4 weeks. If there is contact dermatitis then symptoms and signs will vary including itchy rash! Soon you will experience leathery patches (hyperpigmented) mainly black or brown skin.

How to resist skin allergy from spreading?

To prevent the skin allergy from spreading, you need to contact an allergist or dermatologist as early as possible.

Diagnosis of skin allergy

If there is rash because of allergy then your provider will refer you to allergist or dermatologist for figuring out the cause. During the appointment, the doctor will evaluate the skin and interrogate on the items you use like skincare products, soaps and detergents. Depending on the type, they will order patch testing or blood testing to find out the exact trigger for your allergy.

Which blood test is helpful for skin allergy?

IgE test measures the total IgE antibodies in the blood. It checks for the amount of antibodies the body makes just in order to response to single allergen.

Is it possible to prevent skin allergy?

Yes, you can easily prevent skin allergy in the following ways:

Which foods help with allergies?

You are familiar with food causing allergies. But do you know there are certain foods which can actually help with allergic reaction? Such foods which you must include in your diet are green tea, less salt, tropical fruits, fatty fishes, onions, local honey and yogurt.

Treatments of skin allergy

Treatment of skin allergies is mainly to avoid the allergens. Also, the patients can contact with the allergists and dermatologists and let them know about the symptoms you are experiencing. Accordingly, you can seek the treatment.

What are the home remedies for skin allergy?

Some home remedies for treating skin allergy are:

Which is the best skin allergy treatment?

As the intensity and type of skin allergy differs from person to person, it is merely possible to conclude the best skin allergy treatment. You need to contact with an allergist or dermatologist who on assessing the skin condition provides the most suitable treatment for you.


For seeking skin allergy treatment, you can contact the following allergists and dermatologists: